Contributing Guide

First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute!

The following is a short set of guidelines for contributing to Iroha.

How Can I Contribute?


  • Find Jira

  • Write Tests

  • cargo test && cargo bench && cargo fmt -all && cargo clippy

  • git pull -r origin iroha2-dev && git commit -s

Reporting Bugs

Bug is an error, design flaw, failure or fault in Iroha that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways.

Bugs are tracked as JIRA issues in Hyperledger Jira.

To submit a bug, create new issue and include these details:

Field What to enter
Project Iroha (IR)
Issue Type Bug
Summary Essence of the problem
Description What the issue is about; if you have any logs, please provide them
Priority You can use Medium though if you see the issue as a high priority, please choose that
Environment Your OS, device's specs, Virtual Environment if you use one, version of Iroha etc.

Reporting Vulnerabilities

While we try to be proactive in preventing security problems, we do not assume they will never come up.

It is standard practice to responsibly and privately disclose to the vendor (Hyperledger organization) a security problem before publicizing, so a fix can be prepared, and damage from the vulnerability minimized.

Before the First Major Release (1.0) all vulnerabilities are considered to be bugs, so feel free to submit them as described above. After the First Major Release please utilize a bug bounty program here in order to submit vulnerabilities and get your reward.

In any case of questions feel free to reach to any of existing maintainers in Rocket.Chat private messages.

Suggesting Improvements

An improvement is a code or idea, which makes existing code or design faster, more stable, portable, secure or better in any other way.

Improvements are tracked as JIRA improvements. To submit new improvement, create new issue and include these details:

Field What to enter
Project Iroha (IR)
Issue Type Improvement
Summary Essence of the idea
Description What the idea is about; if you have any code suggestions, you are welcome to add them here
Priority You can use Medium
Assign You can assign the task to yourself if you are planning on working on it

Asking Questions

A question is any discussion that is typically neigher a bug, nor feature request or improvement. If you have a question like “How do I do X?” - this paragraph is for you.

Please post your question in your favourite messenger so members of the community could help you. You can also help others!

Your First Code Contribution

Read our Rust Style Guide and start with beginner-friendly issues with JIRA label good-first-issue. Indicate somehow that you are working on this task: get in touch with maintainers team, community or simply assign this issue to yourself.

Pull Requests

  • Fill in the required template

  • Write tests for new code. Test coverage for new code must be at least 70% and to check coverage use cargo tarpaulin -v

  • Every pull request should be reviewed and get at least two approvals from maintainers team. Check who is a current maintainer in file

  • When you’ve finished work make sure that you’ve got all passing CI checks after that rebase and merge your pull request

  • Follow the Rust Style Guide

  • Follow the Git Style Guide

  • Document new code based on the Documentation Styleguide

  • When working with PRs from forks check this manual

Tests and Benchmarks

  • To run tests execute cargo test command

  • To run benchmarks execute cargo bench command, if you want to debug output in benchmark, execute RUSTFLAGS="--cfg debug_assertions" cargo bench command


Git Style Guide

  • Sign-off every commit with DCO: Signed-off-by: $NAME <$EMAIL>. You can do it automatically using git commit -s

  • Use present tense (“Add feature”, not “Added feature”).

  • Use imperative mood (“Deploy docker to…” not “Deploys docker to…”).

  • Write meaningful commit message.

  • Limit the first line of commit message to 50 characters or less

  • First line of commit message must contain summary of work done, second line must contain empty line, third and other lines can contain list of commit changes

  • Use Git Rebase Workflow

Rust Style Guide

  • Use cargo fmt --all

  • Do not place code inside files

  • Use domain-first modules structure. For example domain::isi::*. Such a way complex uses will be easier to incude in dependent modules.

  • Do not use whitespaces or empty lines inside function bodies.

  • Put public methods first in your impl blocks.

  • Put inner modules after self module content, but before tests module.

  • Prefer to return Result instead of panic.

  • Use expect with explicit error message instead of unwrap.

Documentation Styleguide

  • Use Rust Docs

Places where community is active

Our community members are active at:

Service Link
Mailing List

Thank you for reading the document!